Call for papers


3rd International Conference

Issues Around Pedagogy: Teaching-Learning Strategies in Arts & Humanities for the Twenty First Century

25-26 June 2025

Organised by

Faculty of Arts, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh


In the recent academic discourses the issue of relevant and effective pedagogy has turned to be a prominent point of concern among the teachers and researchers. Experts in various disciplines of Arts and Humanities are also in search for more effective and appropriate teaching-learning strategy or methodology with a view to improving their academic culture and producing more competent graduates. One of the predominant characteristics of the current pedagogy in Arts & Humanities in general is Interdisciplinarity; every discipline now tends to accommodate insights, ideas, theories and terminologies of other disciplines. There is a definitive paradigm shift in our teaching-learning culture at present, and this is visibly manifest in the recent syllabi and curricula of various disciplines within the Faculty of Arts. Conventional pedagogic mode is now understood to be a failure in negotiating with the changes in academia and the world. The advanced technologies have posed formidable challenges in front of the academicians who try to cling to the older format of teaching. With the emergence of Artificial Intelligence things have become even more complicated than ever, as it has brought new dangers as well as new possibilities. 

On this note, the Faculty of Arts, Rajshahi University, is going to arrange its Third International Conference on Issues Around Pedagogy: Teaching-Learning Strategies in Arts & Humanities for the Twenty First Century during 25-26 June 2025. This two-day event envisions a vibrant academic congregation with the presence of those who are interested in engaging with the debates and discussions regarding the sort of changes and innovations, theories and approaches we need in our regular pedagogic practices. We invite proposals for individual papers from teachers and researchers belonging to diverse disciplines of Arts and Humanities, and they may choose their presentation topics from the following broad areas:

  • Pedagogy in the era of Artificial Intelligence
  • Virtual Reality and Pedagogy
  • Technology in Pedagogy
  • Pedagogy, Media, and Film
  • Pedagogy, and Moral/Ethical issues
  • Pedagogy and Politics
  • Syllabus and Curricula
  • Pedagogy and the issue of Justice
  • Pedagogy, History, and Heritage
  • Pedagogy, Ecology, and Eco-criticism
  • Pedagogy, Health and Wellness, and Gerontology
  • Pedagogy in Literary Studies
  • Pedagogy and Philosophy  
  • Pedagogy and Racism
  • Pedagogy, Gender, and Sexuality
  • Pedagogy and Region
  • Pedagogy and Religion
  • Pedagogy and Culture
  • Pedagogy and Social Media
  • Pedagogy and Folk Traditions
  • Pedagogy in Language Learning
  • Pedagogy and Digital Humanities
  • Pandemic and Pedagogy
  • Online Teaching-Learning
  • Pedagogy and Nationalism
  • Pedagogy in Performing Arts, Theatre, and Music
  • Pedagogy in the fields of Translation Studies, Comparative Literature, and Cultural Studies


Conference Languages: Bangla/English/Arabic/Persian/Urdu/Sanskrit

Important deadlines:

Acceptance notification                : 16 March 2025

Full paper submission                   : 30 April 2025


All abstracts should be in English. They should be of maximum 250 words and double-spaced in Times New Roman (12 fonts); in MS Word/PDF format.


Full papers should be double-spaced in Times New Roman (12 fonts) in case of English and SutonnyMJ (14 fonts) in case of Bangla, in case of Arabic, Urdu, Persian, and Sanskrit (14 fonts); in MS Word/PDF format.

All submission will be online. If one wants to present in a language other than English, s/he must mention the title in the respective language s/he wants to use for presentation, with English translation.

Registration: Registration (online only) will start on the 1st of October 2024 and end on the 15th of May 2025.

Registration Fees:

Faculty members                             : Tk. 3060/-

Outside Faculty members            : Tk. 2550/-

Research Fellows                             : Tk. 1530/-

Students (MA only)                        : Tk. 1020/-

Foreigners                                          : $ 50/-


Application Procedure:

Registration fee can be paid from any DBBL Customer Account (Rocket)
The photo must be passport size (300x400 Pixel) color.
The final PDF must be printed in color.


For further details & registration, please visit:

For abstract submission and further communication:

Emergency Contact No.: 01718617895 (Whatsapp)

                                                  07712641797 (Whatsapp)

For Fees Submission Procedure, click here.

Registration Fees:

Faculty members: Tk. 3060/-
Outside Faculty members :
Tk. 2550/-
Research Fellows: Tk. 1530/-
(MA only): Tk. 1020/-
Foreigners: $ 50/-
(Payment on the venue)

(Including 2% service charge)

Important deadlines:

Acceptance notification: 16 March 2025

Full paper submission30 April 2025