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Submission Guidelines
Bangladesh Journal of Agriculture and Life Science (ISSN: 2709-8702, eISSN: 2709-8710) publishes original research work (Full length), short communication and case report (unique findings), review works written in English. Prepare your manuscript in American style of English.
The Manuscript should consist of the following headings.
Title: The title should be definite and concise reflecting the theme of the manuscript.
Running title: Running title should reflect the title and be limited within 50 keystrokes.
Author(s) with Affiliation: The authors should provide their details like department, university or organization, city and country of corresponding authors along with E-Mail address.
Abstract: The abstract should be clear which should emphasize on the manuscript and should not exceed 200 words. It should give brief outline & significance of the manuscript.
Keywords: Present the list of keywords (maximum five).
Introduction: The introduction should set the tone of the research work by providing a clear description of the work with a planned way or resolution. This ought to be general enough to draw in a reader's attention from a vast array of scientific fields.
Main body: The main body should include the descriptions of all types of materials & methods used and the main proposed ideas, results and discussions (results and discussion should be presented as separate sections; i. e. should not be combined together as single section). Discussion should be relevant and concise; however, extensive literature review is not permitted.
Conclusions: A valuable conclusion should be given for the closure of a research/review paper.
Funding/Acknowledgments: This section includes sources of funding, grants, details about anyone who contributed substantially towards the research study.
Author contributions: The contribution of all authors should be enlisted under the following heads: Conceptualization, methodology, formal analysis, validation, investigation, data curation, visualization, writing—original draft preparation, writing—review and editing, resources, funding acquisition, and supervision; followed by a statement “all authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript”. Example: Conceptualization, YK; Methodology, YK and HMG; Investigation, YK, Supervision, HMG. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Conflict of interest: The authors should disclose if there are competitive interests.
References: References should be arranged alphabetically both within and at the end of the text. The reference number should be limited within 50 for full-length paper, 30 for short communication and 15 for case report. Please follow the styles of the references given below:
Journal: Yasir A, Islam W and Mondal KA (2009). Performance of cypermethrin, deltamethrin and nimbicidine on larval development of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural Sciences 17: 125-130.
Book: Watson JD. 1976. Molecular Biology of Genes. 3rd Ed. WA Benjamin, Inc., Menlo Park, California: 1-739 pp.
Book Chapter: Islam SMS and Tuteja N. 2012. Production of abiotic stress tolerant fertile transgenic plants using androgenesis and genetic transformation methods in cereal crops. In: Tuteja N and Gill SS (Eds.). Crop Improvement Under Adverse Conditions. Springer New York Heidelberg London, 213-229 pp.
Tables, figures and photographs: Number of tables, graphs and figures should be within 10 for full-length paper and 4 in case report. The same data should not be presented in both tables and graphs. Please give table caption above the table and footer, if any, below the table. The figure legends should be stated at the bottom of the manuscript (they should not be embedded with the figures). All figures must be submitted as separate files and should not be embedded in word file (prepare figures as Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, and so on as separate TIF file). Photographs and line graphs may be in composite image and should be in perfect rectangles (composite image is not permitted for case report). Please use 'Fig.' when referring to a figure in the body of the text. The photographs and line graphs should be submitted in TIFF with good resolution (minimum 300 pixels/inch for photographs and 1000 pixels/inch for line graphs) and with a width of 90 mm (small column width), 140 mm (one and a half column width) or 180 mm (full page width). Table should be submitted in single file in MS word (one table should not exceed one printable page).
Submission: The research article should be submitted as attached file in MS Word (2007- onwards) through e-mail to Managing Editor ( with cc. to the Editor-in-Chief ( For large file transfer, please contact the editorial office. In case of direct submission or submission by post the article should be submitted in two hard copies along with a soft copy in a CD/DVD.
Author agreement: The authors should submit an agreement stating the originality of the work, authorship and contribution of each author in research.
Cover letter: Cover letter should state that the manuscript is of original work and has not been submitted/under consideration elsewhere. The letter should also propose names of three potential reviewers with contact details.
Publication Charges: Tk. 1000/Article
Editorial Office:
Bangladesh Journal of Agriculture and Life Science
Faculty of Agriculture
University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi-6205, Bangladesh
Tel.: +88-0721-711142, Fax: +880 02588866364, +88 01768496589 (cell)